Saturday, January 8, 2011

An Open Relationship with God

"Do you believe in God?" someone asked me once. Actually I get asked that question rather frequently, living as I do in the deep south, in Charlotte, North Carolina. Well, Concord, but who's counting.
I gave the person a grin and said, "I love that question - because I have so many ways of looking at it."
""Huh?" he asked, confused. I wasn't playing the game right. By his question, "Do you believe in God?", he was challenging me to accept or deny Jesus Christ as my personal savior. I knew this was where we were going, but he'd asked me the question so it was time for my answer.
"Well by looking at the question from my perspective, there are so many variables to consider.
One: 'Do I believe in God?' means, "Do I accept the existence of divinity as a force present in our lives?" By that reckoning, Yes I do. I believe that gods do indeed exist.
Two: 'Do I believe in God?'means, "Do I accept the existence of - I'm sure this is where you were heading - Jehovah, Yahweh, Jesus Christ, etc. Yes I do. There are myriad pantheons of gods all across human culture, and I do believe they exist - and therefore I do believe the Christian pantheon exists as well.
Three: 'Do I believe in God?' - we're narrowing the field even more closely, but I think this is where you wanted me to go. 'Have I accepted Jesus Christ as my sole and absolute savior and divine force, to the existence of all others?' There, the answer would have to be No."
My friend wanted to give me the smug smile that I'd been trapped, but my previous answers still had him confused. So I offered him a consolation.
"Yes, Yahweh, Christ, all of that, are real gods. I have no problem with that. And as a pantheist Wiccan, I recognize their legitimacy in the grand scheme of things. But my personal devotion belongs to one God: Cernunnos, the forest lord revered by many modern Celtics."
He'd never heard of this 'Kernoo-something' fellow, so it was obviously something evil. 'Cos we all know, if it ain't Jesus, it's evil. Black or whte, no shades of grey.
"But," I went on, "I have an open relationship with God. While my devotion is to Cernunnos, I am allowed to see other Gods."
His head was visibly smoking by now, and his eyes were beginning to cross.
"Having an open relationship with God means that I can visit other gods, other pantheons - as long as they're cool with it - if the need arises. If a dear friend who follows an Egyptian pantheon wants help with her sick cat, Bast is the first one I turn to. If a Heathen friend is having trouble with fertility, Freyja is on speed dial. If a Christian friend wants help, then I look to Jesus for guidance in helping him. But at the end of the day, Cernunnos is where my heart is."
My friend was looking for a quick exit - his 'entrapment' question so hadn't worked.
"So do I believe in God? Emphatically yes! The trick is to understand the question. And, for me, to have an open relationship with God."


  1. Awesome...just awesome!! Great first blog!!

  2. ""But," I went on, "I have an open relationship with God. While my devotion is to Cernunnos, I am allowed to see other Gods.""

    This sort of thing is one of the reasons I love you more than chocolate . . . ;0)

  3. Wonderful Truths my friend...Love the Story!

  4. Well said Miles,
    Can I scratch the barcode off of that "Open Relationship w/ God" thing...That's just awesome.

  5. Yay for short-circuiting Fundies' minds! ^.^ Very nice, very nice. I'm gonna have to snitch that.
